FollowFriday in IndiePump

Share your creations!

Celebrating #FollowFriday with a new change on the scene loading 🥳

The scenes are now changing smoothly, you can see the improvement ✅

#Skaramazuzu #IndieGame #IndieGames #IndieDev #IndieDevs #GameDev #Gaming #Steam #Gamer #Gamers #Indie #PC #IndiePump


For this #FollowFriday, we are going to share one of the puzzles that our #adventuregame has!

Are you ready for the upcoming Demo Version?…

#IndieGame #IndieDev #IndieDevs #Game #Steam #GameDev #IndiePump #PointAndClick #IndiePump


Happy #FollowFriday 🥳

This is how our #indiegame has changed over the latest years. The development is still in progress...

#Steam Wishlist for more:

#AbtosCovert #IndieGames #IndieDev #IndieDevs #IndiePump #Gaming #Gamer


Currently working on the flashlight that will you survive while navigating through the yard of the outpost 🔥

Discover #AbtosCovert

#IndieGames #IndieDev #AbtosCovert #Gaming #PC #Gamer #IndiePump


A survival horror game in which you play the role of a soldier keeping guard on a remote outpost out in the woods 🔥

🎮 #Steam Wishlist:

#IndieGame #IndieGames #IndieDev #IndieDevs #Gaming #IndiePump

Meet Mr Architect ⭐

He designed the entire Cave and he is the only robot that had an actual relationship with Aurora 🔥

👉 Learn more about the universe of #AuroraTLMGame…

#AdventureGame #IndieGame #GameDev #IndieDev #IndiePump

#AdventureGameFriday We are glad to share with you a screenshot from the game we are currently developing called Aurora: The Lost Medallion.

#Steam Wishlist:…

#IndieGame #IndieDev #GameDev #IndiePump #IndieGameDev #AdventureGame

🧐Ever pondered about the enigmas within #AbtosCovert outpost?

Venture into the depths of our #survival #horror #indiegame and uncover the truth!

Make sure it's on your #Steam Wishlist:

#IndieDev #IndieDevs #GameDev #IndiePump